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No-Code MVP

In my journey as a bootstrapped entrepreneur in the last three years, I have created countless websites, web apps, and mobile apps using no-code tools. 

Now I am passing on this hard-earned knowledge to anyone who doesn't have the resources of a development team, or a CTO to build the earliest version of their product. 

I do this on the side because I would like to see everyone with an idea be able to make it into a reality - just as I did. 

If you are interested, here are the services I offer. Contact me to learn more. 

No Code Workshops

I provide offline and online workshops to accelerators and incubators who would like their entrepreneurs to not only be able to learn how to pitch, but also create products that they can test. They range from 3 - 5 days. Contact me for availability and more details. 


Cohort Based Online Course

I teach how to create a product in 4 weeks using no-code at the Maven accelerator. This is an online, cohort-based course that I offer every other month. It is limited to 10 participants and they leave with the first version of their product in 4 weeks. More here: From Idea to Product in 4 Weeks

Cost: 500 CHF


No-Code Agency

While my time is limited, I also enjoy the challenge of creating a product from scratch. So, I offer to build your MVP in 4 weeks and I take only one project per month. And you get access to the above course as well. 

Cost: 5000 CHF



I am available to mentor or speak on how to create products from scratch using no code, how to test these ideas, and how to market them. Contact me for more details. 

Get in Touch

Send me an email at if any of the above speaks to you. 

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